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# Project Information
site_name: OI Wiki
site_description: OI Wiki 是一个编程竞赛知识整合站点,提供有趣又实用的编程竞赛知识以及其他有帮助的内容,帮助广大编程竞赛爱好者更快更深入地学习编程竞赛
site_author: OI Wiki Team
site_url: https://oi-wiki.org
strict: false
# Repository
repo_name: 'OI-wiki/OI-wiki'
repo_url: 'https://github.com/OI-wiki/OI-wiki'
edit_uri: 'https://oi-wiki.org/edit-landing/?ref='
# Copyright
copyright: 'Copyright © 2016 - 2023 OI Wiki Team'
# Contents
- 简介:
- Getting Started: index.md
- 关于本项目: intro/about.md
- 如何参与: intro/htc.md
- OI Wiki 不是什么: intro/what-oi-wiki-is-not.md
- 格式手册: intro/format.md
- 数学符号表: intro/symbol.md
- F.A.Q.: intro/faq.md
- 用 Docker 部署 OI Wiki: intro/docker-deploy.md
- 镜像站列表: intro/mirrors.md
- 致谢: intro/thanks.md
- 比赛相关:
- 比赛相关简介: contest/index.md
- 赛事:
- OI 赛事与赛制: contest/oi.md
- ICPC/CCPC 赛事与赛制: contest/icpc.md
- 题型:
- 题型概述: contest/problems.md
- 交互题: contest/interaction.md
- 学习路线: contest/roadmap.md
- 学习资源: contest/resources.md
- 技巧:
- 读入、输出优化: contest/io.md
- 分段打表: contest/dictionary.md
- 常见错误: contest/common-mistakes.md
- 常见技巧: contest/common-tricks.md
- 出题: contest/problemsetting.md
- 工具软件:
- 工具软件简介: tools/index.md
- 代码编辑工具:
- Vim: tools/editor/vim.md
- Emacs: tools/editor/emacs.md
- VS Code: tools/editor/vscode.md
- Atom: tools/editor/atom.md
- Eclipse: tools/editor/eclipse.md
- Notepad++: tools/editor/npp.md
- Kate: tools/editor/kate.md
- Dev-C++: tools/editor/devcpp.md
- CLion: tools/editor/clion.md
- Geany: tools/editor/geany.md
- Xcode: tools/editor/xcode.md
- GUIDE: tools/editor/guide.md
- Sublime Text: tools/editor/sublime.md
- CP Editor: tools/editor/cpeditor.md
- 评测工具:
- 评测工具简介: tools/judger/index.md
- Arbiter: tools/judger/arbiter.md
- Cena: tools/judger/cena.md
- CCR Plus: tools/judger/ccr-plus.md
- Lemon: tools/judger/lemon.md
- 命令行: tools/cmd.md
- 编译器: tools/compiler.md
- WSL (Windows 10): tools/wsl.md
- Special Judge: tools/special-judge.md
- Testlib:
- Testlib 简介: tools/testlib/index.md
- 通用: tools/testlib/general.md
- Generator: tools/testlib/generator.md
- Validator: tools/testlib/validator.md
- Interactor: tools/testlib/interactor.md
- Checker: tools/testlib/checker.md
- Polygon: tools/polygon.md
- OJ 工具: tools/oj-tool.md
- LaTeX 入门: tools/latex.md
- Git: tools/git.md
- 语言基础:
- 语言基础简介: lang/index.md
- C++ 基础:
- Hello, World!: lang/helloworld.md
- C++ 语法基础: lang/basic.md
- 变量: lang/var.md
- 运算: lang/op.md
- 流程控制语句:
- 分支: lang/branch.md
- 循环: lang/loop.md
- 高级数据类型:
- 数组: lang/array.md
- 结构体: lang/struct.md
- 联合体: lang/union.md
- 指针: lang/pointer.md
- 函数: lang/func.md
- 文件操作: lang/file-op.md
- C++ 标准库:
- C++ 标准库简介: lang/csl/index.md
- STL 容器:
- STL 容器简介: lang/csl/container.md
- 迭代器: lang/csl/iterator.md
- 序列式容器: lang/csl/sequence-container.md
- 关联式容器: lang/csl/associative-container.md
- 无序关联式容器: lang/csl/unordered-container.md
- 容器适配器: lang/csl/container-adapter.md
- STL 算法: lang/csl/algorithm.md
- bitset: lang/csl/bitset.md
- string: lang/csl/string.md
- pair: lang/csl/pair.md
- C++ 进阶:
- : lang/class.md
- 命名空间: lang/namespace.md
- 值类别: lang/value-category.md
- 重载运算符: lang/op-overload.md
- 引用: lang/reference.md
- 常值: lang/const.md
- 新版 C++ 特性: lang/new.md
- Lambda 表达式: lang/lambda.md
- pb_ds:
- pb_ds 简介: lang/pb-ds/index.md
- : lang/pb-ds/pq.md
- 平衡树: lang/pb-ds/tree.md
- 编译优化: lang/optimizations.md
- C++ 与其他常用语言的区别: lang/cpp-other-langs.md
- Pascal 转 C++ 急救: lang/pas-cpp.md
- Python 速成: lang/python.md
- Java 速成: lang/java.md
- Java 进阶: lang/java-pro.md
- 算法基础:
- 算法基础简介: basic/index.md
- 复杂度: basic/complexity.md
- 枚举: basic/enumerate.md
- 模拟: basic/simulate.md
- 递归 & 分治: basic/divide-and-conquer.md
- 贪心: basic/greedy.md
- 排序:
- 排序简介: basic/sort-intro.md
- 选择排序: basic/selection-sort.md
- 冒泡排序: basic/bubble-sort.md
- 插入排序: basic/insertion-sort.md
- 计数排序: basic/counting-sort.md
- 基数排序: basic/radix-sort.md
- 快速排序: basic/quick-sort.md
- 归并排序: basic/merge-sort.md
- 堆排序: basic/heap-sort.md
- 桶排序: basic/bucket-sort.md
- 希尔排序: basic/shell-sort.md
- 锦标赛排序: basic/tournament-sort.md
- tim排序: basic/tim-sort.md
- 排序相关 STL: basic/stl-sort.md
- 排序应用: basic/use-of-sort.md
- 前缀和 & 差分: basic/prefix-sum.md
- 二分: basic/binary.md
- 倍增: basic/binary-lifting.md
- 构造: basic/construction.md
- 搜索:
- 搜索部分简介: search/index.md
- DFS(搜索): search/dfs.md
- BFS(搜索): search/bfs.md
- 双向搜索: search/bidirectional.md
- 启发式搜索: search/heuristic.md
- A*: search/astar.md
- 迭代加深搜索: search/iterative.md
- IDA*: search/idastar.md
- 回溯法: search/backtracking.md
- Dancing Links: search/dlx.md
- Alpha-Beta 剪枝: search/alpha-beta.md
- 优化: search/opt.md
- 动态规划:
- 动态规划部分简介: dp/index.md
- 动态规划基础: dp/basic.md
- 记忆化搜索: dp/memo.md
- 背包 DP: dp/knapsack.md
- 区间 DP: dp/interval.md
- DAG 上的 DP: dp/dag.md
- 树形 DP: dp/tree.md
- 状压 DP: dp/state.md
- 数位 DP: dp/number.md
- 插头 DP: dp/plug.md
- 计数 DP: dp/count.md
- 动态 DP: dp/dynamic.md
- 概率 DP: dp/probability.md
- DP 优化:
- 单调队列/单调栈优化: dp/opt/monotonous-queue-stack.md
- 斜率优化: dp/opt/slope.md
- 四边形不等式优化: dp/opt/quadrangle.md
- 状态设计优化: dp/opt/state.md
- 其它 DP 方法: dp/misc.md
- 字符串:
- 字符串部分简介: string/index.md
- 字符串基础: string/basic.md
- 标准库: string/lib-func.md
- 字符串匹配: string/match.md
- 字符串哈希: string/hash.md
- 字典树 (Trie): string/trie.md
- 前缀函数与 KMP 算法: string/kmp.md
- Boyer–Moore 算法: string/bm.md
- Z 函数(扩展 KMP): string/z-func.md
- 自动机: string/automaton.md
- AC 自动机: string/ac-automaton.md
- 后缀数组 (SA):
- 后缀数组简介: string/sa.md
- 最优原地后缀排序算法: string/sa-optimal-inplace.md
- 后缀自动机 (SAM): string/sam.md
- 后缀平衡树: string/suffix-bst.md
- 广义后缀自动机: string/general-sam.md
- 后缀树: string/suffix-tree.md
- Manacher: string/manacher.md
- 回文树: string/pam.md
- 序列自动机: string/seq-automaton.md
- 最小表示法: string/minimal-string.md
- Lyndon 分解: string/lyndon.md
- Main–Lorentz 算法: string/main-lorentz.md
- 数学:
- 数学部分简介: math/index.md
- 符号: math/notation.md
- 进位制: math/base.md
- 位运算: math/bit.md
- 二进制集合操作: math/binary-set.md
- 平衡三进制: math/balanced-ternary.md
- 高精度计算: math/bignum.md
- 快速幂: math/binary-exponentiation.md
- 置换和排列: math/permutation.md
- 弧度制与坐标系: math/coordinate.md
- 复数: math/complex.md
- 数论:
- 数论基础: math/number-theory/basic.md
- 素数: math/number-theory/prime.md
- 最大公约数: math/number-theory/gcd.md
- 数论分块: math/number-theory/sqrt-decomposition.md
- 欧拉函数: math/number-theory/euler-totient.md
- 筛法: math/number-theory/sieve.md
- Meissel–Lehmer 算法: math/number-theory/meissel-lehmer.md
- 分解质因数: math/number-theory/pollard-rho.md
- 裴蜀定理: math/number-theory/bezouts.md
- 类欧几里德算法: math/number-theory/euclidean.md
- 欧拉定理 & 费马小定理: math/number-theory/fermat.md
- 乘法逆元: math/number-theory/inverse.md
- 线性同余方程: math/number-theory/linear-equation.md
- 中国剩余定理: math/number-theory/crt.md
- 升幂引理: math/number-theory/lift-the-exponent.md
- 威尔逊定理: math/number-theory/wilson.md
- 卢卡斯定理: math/number-theory/lucas.md
- 同余方程: math/number-theory/congruence-equation.md
- 二次剩余: math/number-theory/quad-residue.md
- 原根: math/number-theory/primitive-root.md
- 离散对数: math/number-theory/discrete-logarithm.md
- 剩余: math/number-theory/residue.md
- 莫比乌斯反演: math/number-theory/mobius.md
- 杜教筛: math/number-theory/du.md
- Powerful Number 筛: math/number-theory/powerful-number.md
- Min_25 筛: math/number-theory/min-25.md
- 洲阁筛: math/number-theory/zhou.md
- 连分数: math/number-theory/continued-fraction.md
- Stern–Brocot 树与 Farey 序列: math/number-theory/stern-brocot.md
- 二次域: math/number-theory/quadratic.md
- 循环连分数: math/number-theory/periodic-continued-fraction.md
- Pell 方程: math/number-theory/pell-equation.md
- 多项式与生成函数:
- 多项式与生成函数简介: math/poly/intro.md
- 代数基本定理: math/poly/fundamental.md
- 快速傅里叶变换: math/poly/fft.md
- 快速数论变换: math/poly/ntt.md
- 快速沃尔什变换: math/poly/fwt.md
- Chirp Z 变换: math/poly/czt.md
- 多项式牛顿迭代: math/poly/newton.md
- 多项式多点求值|快速插值: math/poly/multipoint-eval-interpolation.md
- 多项式初等函数: math/poly/elementary-func.md
- 常系数齐次线性递推: math/poly/linear-recurrence.md
- 多项式平移|连续点值平移: math/poly/shift.md
- 符号化方法: math/poly/symbolic-method.md
- 普通生成函数: math/poly/ogf.md
- 指数生成函数: math/poly/egf.md
- 狄利克雷生成函数: math/poly/dgf.md
- 组合数学:
- 排列组合: math/combinatorics/combination.md
- 抽屉原理: math/combinatorics/drawer-principle.md
- 容斥原理: math/combinatorics/inclusion-exclusion-principle.md
- 康托展开: math/combinatorics/cantor.md
- 斐波那契数列: math/combinatorics/fibonacci.md
- 错位排列: math/combinatorics/derangement.md
- 卡特兰数: math/combinatorics/catalan.md
- 斯特林数: math/combinatorics/stirling.md
- 贝尔数: math/combinatorics/bell.md
- 伯努利数: math/combinatorics/bernoulli.md
- Entringer Number: math/combinatorics/entringer.md
- Eulerian Number: math/combinatorics/eulerian.md
- 分拆数: math/combinatorics/partition.md
- 范德蒙德卷积: math/combinatorics/vandermonde-convolution.md
- 图论计数: math/combinatorics/graph-enumeration.md
- 线性代数:
- 线性代数简介: math/linear-algebra/index.md
- 向量: math/linear-algebra/vector.md
- 内积和外积: math/linear-algebra/product.md
- 矩阵: math/linear-algebra/matrix.md
- 初等变换: math/linear-algebra/elementary-operations.md
- 行列式: math/linear-algebra/determinant.md
- 线性空间: math/linear-algebra/vector-space.md
- 线性基: math/linear-algebra/basis.md
- 线性映射: math/linear-algebra/linear-mapping.md
- 特征多项式: math/linear-algebra/char-poly.md
- 对角化: math/linear-algebra/diagonalization.md
- Jordan标准型: math/linear-algebra/jordan.md
- 线性规划:
- 线性规划简介: math/linear-programming.md
- 单纯形算法: math/simplex.md
- 群论:
- 群论简介: math/group-theory.md
- 置换群: math/permutation-group.md
- 概率论:
- 基本概念: math/probability/basic-conception.md
- 条件概率与独立性: math/probability/conditional-probability.md
- 随机变量: math/probability/random-variable.md
- 随机变量的数字特征: math/probability/exp-var.md
- 概率不等式: math/probability/concentration-inequality.md
- 博弈论:
- 博弈论简介: math/game-theory/intro.md
- 公平组合游戏: math/game-theory/impartial-game.md
- 非公平组合游戏: math/game-theory/partizan-game.md
- 反常游戏: math/game-theory/misere-game.md
- 数值算法:
- 拉格朗日插值: math/numerical/lagrange.md
- 数值积分: math/numerical/integral.md
- 高斯消元: math/numerical/gauss.md
- 牛顿迭代法: math/numerical/newton.md
- 傅里叶-莫茨金消元法: math/fourier-motzkin-elimination.md
- 序理论: math/order-theory.md
- 杨氏矩阵: math/young-tableau.md
- Schreier–Sims 算法: math/schreier-sims.md
- Berlekamp–Massey 算法: math/berlekamp-massey.md
- 数据结构:
- 数据结构部分简介: ds/index.md
- : ds/stack.md
- 队列: ds/queue.md
- 链表: ds/linked-list.md
- 哈希表: ds/hash.md
- 并查集:
- 并查集: ds/dsu.md
- 并查集复杂度: ds/dsu-complexity.md
- :
- 堆简介: ds/heap.md
- 二叉堆: ds/binary-heap.md
- 配对堆: ds/pairing-heap.md
- 左偏树: ds/leftist-tree.md
- 块状数据结构:
- 分块思想: ds/decompose.md
- 块状数组: ds/block-array.md
- 块状链表: ds/block-list.md
- 树分块: ds/tree-decompose.md
- Sqrt Tree: ds/sqrt-tree.md
- 单调栈: ds/monotonous-stack.md
- 单调队列: ds/monotonous-queue.md
- ST 表: ds/sparse-table.md
- 树状数组: ds/fenwick.md
- 线段树: ds/seg.md
- 李超线段树: ds/li-chao-tree.md
- 区间最值操作 & 区间历史最值: ds/seg-beats.md
- 划分树: ds/dividing.md
- 二叉搜索树 & 平衡树:
- 二叉搜索树 & 平衡树: ds/bst.md
- Treap: ds/treap.md
- Splay 树: ds/splay.md
- WBLT: ds/wblt.md
- Size Balanced Tree: ds/sbt.md
- AVL 树: ds/avl.md
- B 树: ds/b-tree.md
- B+ 树: ds/bplus-tree.md
- 替罪羊树: ds/sgt.md
- Leafy Tree: ds/leafy-tree.md
- 笛卡尔树: ds/cartesian-tree.md
- 红黑树: ds/rbtree.md
- 左偏红黑树: ds/llrbt.md
- AA 树: ds/aa-tree.md
- 2-3 树: ds/2-3-tree.md
- 跳表: ds/skiplist.md
- 可持久化数据结构:
- 可持久化数据结构简介: ds/persistent.md
- 可持久化线段树: ds/persistent-seg.md
- 可持久化块状数组: ds/persistent-block-array.md
- 可持久化平衡树: ds/persistent-balanced.md
- 可持久化字典树: ds/persistent-trie.md
- 可持久化可并堆: ds/persistent-heap.md
- 树套树:
- 线段树套线段树: ds/seg-in-seg.md
- 平衡树套线段树: ds/seg-in-balanced.md
- 线段树套平衡树: ds/balanced-in-seg.md
- 树状数组套权值线段树: ds/seg-in-bit.md
- 分块套树状数组: ds/bit-in-block-array.md
- K-D Tree: ds/kdt.md
- 动态树:
- Link Cut Tree: ds/lct.md
- Euler Tour Tree: ds/ett.md
- Top Tree: ds/top-tree.md
- 析合树: ds/divide-combine.md
- PQ 树: ds/pq-tree.md
- 手指树: ds/finger-tree.md
- 霍夫曼树: ds/huffman-tree.md
- 图论:
- 图论部分简介: graph/index.md
- 图论相关概念: graph/concept.md
- 图的存储: graph/save.md
- DFS(图论): graph/dfs.md
- BFS(图论): graph/bfs.md
- 树上问题:
- 树基础: graph/tree-basic.md
- 树的直径: graph/tree-diameter.md
- 最近公共祖先: graph/lca.md
- 树的重心: graph/tree-centroid.md
- 树链剖分: graph/hld.md
- 树上启发式合并: graph/dsu-on-tree.md
- 虚树: graph/virtual-tree.md
- 树分治: graph/tree-divide.md
- 动态树分治: graph/dynamic-tree-divide.md
- AHU 算法: graph/tree-ahu.md
- 树哈希: graph/tree-hash.md
- 树上随机游走: graph/tree-random-walk.md
- 矩阵树定理: graph/matrix-tree.md
- 有向无环图: graph/dag.md
- 拓扑排序: graph/topo.md
- 最小生成树: graph/mst.md
- 斯坦纳树: graph/steiner-tree.md
- 最小树形图: graph/dmst.md
- 最小直径生成树: graph/mdst.md
- 最短路: graph/shortest-path.md
- 拆点: graph/node.md
- 差分约束: graph/diff-constraints.md
- k 短路: graph/kth-path.md
- 同余最短路: graph/mod-shortest-path.md
- 连通性相关:
- 强连通分量: graph/scc.md
- 双连通分量: graph/bcc.md
- 割点和桥: graph/cut.md
- 圆方树: graph/block-forest.md
- 点/边连通度: graph/connectivity.md
- 环计数问题: graph/rings-count.md
- 2-SAT: graph/2-sat.md
- 欧拉图: graph/euler.md
- 哈密顿图: graph/hamilton.md
- 二分图: graph/bi-graph.md
- 最小环: graph/min-cycle.md
- 平面图: graph/planar.md
- 图的着色: graph/color.md
- 网络流:
- 网络流简介: graph/flow.md
- 最大流: graph/flow/max-flow.md
- 最小割: graph/flow/min-cut.md
- 费用流: graph/flow/min-cost.md
- 上下界网络流: graph/flow/bound.md
- Stoer–Wagner 算法: graph/stoer-wagner.md
- 图的匹配:
- 图匹配: graph/graph-matching/graph-match.md
- 增广路: graph/graph-matching/augment.md
- 二分图最大匹配: graph/graph-matching/bigraph-match.md
- 二分图最大权匹配: graph/graph-matching/bigraph-weight-match.md
- 一般图最大匹配: graph/graph-matching/general-match.md
- 一般图最大权匹配: graph/graph-matching/general-weight-match.md
- Prüfer 序列: graph/prufer.md
- LGV 引理: graph/lgv.md
- 弦图: graph/chord.md
- 最大团搜索算法: graph/max-clique.md
- 支配树: graph/dominator-tree.md
- 图上随机游走: graph/graph-random-walk.md
- 计算几何:
- 计算几何部分简介: geometry/index.md
- 二维计算几何基础: geometry/2d.md
- 三维计算几何基础: geometry/3d.md
- 距离: geometry/distance.md
- Pick 定理: geometry/pick.md
- 三角剖分: geometry/triangulation.md
- 凸包: geometry/convex-hull.md
- 扫描线: geometry/scanning.md
- 旋转卡壳: geometry/rotating-calipers.md
- 半平面交: geometry/half-plane.md
- 平面最近点对: geometry/nearest-points.md
- 随机增量法: geometry/random-incremental.md
- 反演变换: geometry/inverse.md
- 计算几何杂项: geometry/misc.md
- 杂项:
- 杂项简介: misc/index.md
- 离散化: misc/discrete.md
- 双指针: misc/two-pointer.md
- 离线算法:
- 离线算法简介: misc/offline.md
- CDQ 分治: misc/cdq-divide.md
- 整体二分: misc/parallel-binsearch.md
- 莫队算法:
- 莫队算法简介: misc/mo-algo-intro.md
- 普通莫队算法: misc/mo-algo.md
- 带修改莫队: misc/modifiable-mo-algo.md
- 树上莫队: misc/mo-algo-on-tree.md
- 回滚莫队: misc/rollback-mo-algo.md
- 二维莫队: misc/mo-algo-2dimen.md
- 莫队二次离线: misc/mo-algo-secondary-offline.md
- 莫队配合 bitset: misc/mo-algo-with-bitset.md
- 分数规划: misc/frac-programming.md
- 随机化:
- 随机函数: misc/random.md
- 随机化技巧: misc/rand-technique.md
- 爬山算法: misc/hill-climbing.md
- 模拟退火: misc/simulated-annealing.md
- 悬线法: misc/hoverline.md
- 计算理论基础: misc/cc-basic.md
- 字节顺序: misc/endianness.md
- 约瑟夫问题: misc/josephus.md
- 格雷码: misc/gray-code.md
- 表达式求值: misc/expression.md
- 在一台机器上规划任务: misc/job-order.md
- 主元素问题: misc/main-element.md
- Garsia–Wachs 算法: misc/garsia-wachs.md
- 15-puzzle: misc/15-puzzle.md
- Kahan 求和: misc/kahan-summation.md
- 珂朵莉树/颜色段均摊: misc/odt.md
- 专题:
- RMQ: topic/rmq.md
- 并查集应用: topic/dsu-app.md
- 括号序列: topic/bracket.md
- 线段树与离线询问: topic/segment-tree-offline.md
- 关于 Hulu:
- 关于 Hulu: intro/hulu.md
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