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中启开源 / zqpool

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osdba 提交于 2023-02-10 22:22 . 为1.1版本更新了文档



ZQPool is an open source connection pool software for PostgreSQL released by CSUDATA.COM. It mainly solves the following two shortcomings of the popular connection pool software pgbouncer:

  1. Solve the problem that the JDBC program cannot reduce the number of connections on the database by using pgbouncer;
  2. Pgbouncer cannot use the multi-core of CPU. When the processing capacity exceeds the capacity of single core in the case of high concurrency, the performance is pool.

Software Architecture

The application connects to zqpool, which connects to the PostgreSQL database.


The installation step is as follows:

  1. Copy zqpool1 0.x86_64.xz to a directory
  2. Decompression: tar -xf zqpool1.0.x86_64.xz
  3. After decompression, there are two files zqpool.conf and zqpool, where zqpool.conf is a configuration file, which is configured accordingly.
  4. Then start zqpool.


Configure zqpool Conf file, each configuration item is described as follows:

  • listen_port = 5436 : set the listening port of zqpool

  • listen_addr = * : set the listening IP of zqpool, when set to "*", which means listening on all local IP addresses

  • default_pool_size = 10 : sets the total number of connections to the backend database

  • max_client_conn = 3000 : the total number of applications allowed to connect to zqpool

  • db.1.user=u01 : user name of the first database

  • db.1.dbname=postgres : the first database name

  • db.1.ipport= : ip address and port of the first database

  • db.1.passwd=u01 : the password of the first database

Configure file is zqpool.conf, each configuration item is described as follows

  • listen_port = 5436 :set the listening port of zqpool
  • listen_addr = * : set the listening IP of zqpool, when set to "*", which means listening on all local IP addresses
  • mgr_port = 9380 : set management port of zqpool
  • mgr_addr = * :

every pool setup is:

  • pool.1.fe_max_conns = 3000
  • pool.1.fe_user=u01
  • pool.1.fe_passwd=u02
  • pool.1.fe_dbname=mydb
  • pool.1.be_user=u01
  • pool.1.be_passwd=u01
  • pool.1.be_dbname=postgres
  • pool.1.be_conns = 10
  • pool.1.be_ipport=,
  • pool.1.be_conn_life_time=60 # specify the life_time of backend connection

pool.1 represents the first pool, and there can also be pool.2, pool.3 and etc. pool.1.be_ipport can be a list of multiple ip address ports that separated by commas.

start zqpool:

[codetest@pgdev zqpool]$ ./zqpool
2022/05/24 09:12:30 server.go:2188: Starting server on :5436 ...

in another terminal windows,use psql connect to zqpool:

[codetest@pgdev zqpool]$ /usr/pgsql-10/bin/psql -h -p 5436 -Uu01 -d postgres
Password for user u01:
psql (10.20, server 10.5)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=> \d
         List of relations
 Schema |  Name  | Type  |  Owner
 public | test01 | table | postgres
(1 row)

postgres=> select * from test01;
 id | t
(0 rows)

postgres=> insert into test01 values(1, '111'),(2,'222'),(3,'333');
postgres=> select * from test01;
 id |  t
  1 | 111
  2 | 222
  3 | 333
(3 rows)


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