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bowen / nuxt-elm

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[cai.bowen] 提交于 2018-11-15 09:57 . update

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Use nuxt2 as the server rendering of vue, suitable for students who are just getting in touch or preparing for vue ssr reference and learning. This project involves registration, login, product display, address management, etc., from front-end to back-end to final deployment to the server, allowing you to experience full-stack development to fun.

Note: The project is modeled after Hungry H5 version, refer to the latest UI of 2018, please choose hungry for the normal order. Official client.

If the network is not good, please moveDomestic mirror acceleration node

Performance demonstration

Check the demo please poke here(Please preview with chrome phone mode)

The mobile side scans the QR code below

API interface documentation

Interface document address(based on apidoc)

Technology stack

nuxt2 + vue + vuex + vue-router + mint-ui

Project operation

git clone git@github.com:EasyTuan/nuxt-elm.git

# Domestic mirror acceleration node:git@gitee.com:easytuan/node-elm-api.git

cd nuxt-elm

npm install

npm run dev

# Template generation
npm run tep `文件名`

# pm2 deploy
npm run start


This project has a supporting back-end system. If you want to experience the development of the front and back, you can download the corresponding back-end system:Background project transfer address

If you only do front-end development, please ignore this sentence.

Target function

  • Merchant list -- finished
  • Shopping cart -- finished
  • Restaurant food list -- finished
  • Store evaluation -- finished
  • Business details -- finished
  • log in Register -- finished
  • change Password -- finished
  • Personal center -- finished
  • Red envelope -- finished
  • Shipping address -- finished

Business introduction

Directory Structure

├── assets
│   ├── images
│   ├── services
│   ├── styles
│   └── utils
├── components
├── config
│   └── index.js
├── layouts
├── middleware
├── pages
├── plugins
├── static
└── store

Partial screenshot display

Home show

personal information



Merchant evaluation


If it helps, you can click on the "Star" support in the upper right corner. Thank you! ^_^

Or you can "follow" it, I will continue to open up more interesting projects.

If you have any questions, please do so directly in the Issues, or you find the problem and have a very good solution, welcome PR 👍

Develop daily records

nuxtTemplate building

Here about the project initialization, I am directly using the create-nuxt-app provided by the Nuxt official website.

# Make sure npx is installed (npx is installed by default in NPM version 5.2.0):
npx create-nuxt-app <project name>

It will let you make some choices:
  1.Choose between integrated server-side frameworks:
    None (Nuxt Default server)
    Adonis (WIP)
  2.Choose your favorite UI framework:
    None ()
    Element UI
  3.Choose the Nuxt mode you want (Universal or SPA)
  4.Add axios module To easily send HTTP requests to your application.
  5.Add EsLint Check your code with code specifications and errors when saving.
  6.Add Prettier To format/beautify your code when saving.

# Start local service
npm run dev

access http://localhost:3000 ,Now let's take a look at the initialized project directory.

Note: nuxt will read the vue file in the pages by default, and automatically generate routes. If you need to customize the route, you can configure the corresponding parameters in nuxt.config.js.。

Request request encapsulation

The stripping of data and presentation layers is necessary, which is why the front end advocates the design pattern of MV*, and the request request encapsulation is our first step. Here I chose axios as the HTTP request client. Axios is compatible with the browser and node. It also provides request interception, response interception, etc., so that we can develop more enjoyable functions.

Written in config/index.js

module.exports = {
  IS_RELEASE: true,

  BASE_URL: `http://localhost:3000/api`,

  // BASE_URL: `https://elm.caibowen.net/api`,

  // IMG_URL: 'http://localhost:9000/',

  IMG_URL: 'https://easytuan.gitee.io/node-elm-api/public/',

    'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'

  TIMEOUT: 12000,


Written in assets/utils/request.js

import axios from 'axios';
import config from '~/config';
import { Toast } from 'mint-ui';

axios.defaults.baseURL = config.BASE_URL;
axios.defaults.timeout = config.TIMEOUT;
axios.defaults.headers = config.HEADERS;

axios.interceptors.request.use( request => {
  if (!config.IS_RELEASE) {
      `${new Date().toLocaleString()}【 M=${request.url} 】P=`,
      request.params || request.data,
  return request;
}, error => {
  return Promise.reject(error);

export default async (options = { method: 'GET' }) => {
  let isdata = true;
  if (
    options.method.toUpperCase() !== 'POST'
    && options.method.toUpperCase() !== 'PUT'
    && options.method.toUpperCase() !== 'PATCH'
  ) {
    isdata = false;
  const res = await axios({
    method: options.method,
    url: options.url,
    data: isdata ? options.data : null,
    params: !isdata ? options.data : null,
  if (res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300) {
    if (!config.IS_RELEASE) {
        `${new Date().toLocaleString()}【接口响应:】`,
    // 浏览器环境弹出报错信息
    if(typeof window !== "undefined" && res.data.code !== 0) {
    return res.data;
  }else {
    if(typeof window !== "undefined" && res.data.code !== 0) {


Finally, all api requests are written into the server.js file for easy unified management.

Cross-domain processing

Students who have used vue will definitely know that for the cross-domain in the project, vue-cli encapsulates the proxy option in webpack. It exposes an option called proxyTable, which is an integration of proxy in webpack and its three-party plugin http-proxy-middleware.

Unfortunately, there is no proxyTable configuration item in Nuxt for cross-domain configuration. Fortunately, in Nuxt you can handle cross-domain directly by configuring http-proxy-middleware. Fortunately, Nuxt officially provides two packages to handle the axios cross-domain issue.

First, install it

npm i @nuxtjs/axios @nuxtjs/proxy -D

Then configure it in the nuxt.config.js file

  modules: [
  proxy: [
        // target: 'http://localhost:9000',
        target: 'https://elm-api.caibowen.net',
        changeOrigin: true,
        pathRewrite: { '^/api' : '/' }

Then you can use your axios for cross-domain requests with peace of mind.

Project deployment

To this step, you must first make sure you have a server of your own. If not, hurry to buy one (I won't tell you that AWS and google cloud have a free one-year cloud server trial)

OK, the article continues. Before we explain the deployment, let’s take a look at the development commands.

| Command | Description | | ------------- | ----------------------------------- ----- | | dev | Start a hot-loaded web server (development mode) localhost:3000 | | start | Start a web server with pm2 daemon (nuxt build will be executed first) | | generate | compile the application and generate the corresponding HTML file according to the routing configuration (for static site deployment) |

Start deployment

Upload the code to the server and execute the command npm run start to listen on port 3000. Next, start configuring your nginx (for port forwarding)

 server {
  # Port, http is 80. If you deploy https, listen to 443.
  listen 80;
  server_name elm.caibowen.net;
  location / {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;

Then restart nginx

nginx -s restart

Then you can visit your website at http://elm.caibowen.net


For Nuxt, at the level of use, it is relatively simple and easy to use. Relative to vue-ssr, it greatly simplifies the development configuration, allowing developers to think about business development without worrying too much about file configuration. Among them, Nuxt directly ignores our usual configuration of routing by listening to the changes in the pages directory file and automatically generating routes.

However, the current Nuxt overall needs to be improved. At present, the community-related three-party plug-ins are relatively limited, and the related reference materials on the market are relatively small.

Anyway, I hope the Nuxt community can get better and better~


If you are helpful, welcome sponsorship

After receiving the sponsorship, I will promptly update the sponsorship wall


Project background address





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