坑爹代码 | 你是如何被异常玩然后变成玩异常的?

玩 Java 的人,刚开始会被各种异常虐,空指针应该是最常见的。多玩两年就开始玩异常,各种奇葩异常玩法层出不穷。


public class CommandException extends BaseException {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = -6354513454371927970L;
	public static CommandException PARAM_NULL= new CommandException("Command_assemble_01", "Parameter is Needed But Empty");
	public static CommandException DEVID_NULL = new CommandException("Command_assemble_02", "DevId Cannot Be Null");
	public static CommandException MDCODE_NULL = new CommandException("Command_assemble_03", "Model Code Cannot Be Empty");
	public static CommandException ORDER_NULL = new CommandException("Command_assemble_04", "Order Cannot Be Empty");
	public static CommandException TYPE_NULL = new CommandException("Command_assemble_05", "Upstream / Downstream Type Cannot Be Empty");
	public static CommandException MENUID_NULL = new CommandException("Command_assemble_06", "Menu Id Cannot Be Null");
	public static CommandException CTRLTYPE_NOT_RANGE= new CommandException("Command_assemble_07", "Ctrltype Cannot Be Recognized, Which is not in Range");
	public static CommandException CMD_NULL = new CommandException("Command_analyze_01", "CMD Cannot Be Null");
	public static CommandException PAYLOAD_NULL = new CommandException("Command_analyze_02", "Payload Cannot Be Null");
	public static CommandException FRAMEWORK_FAILED= new CommandException("Command_analyze_03", "Framework Failed to be Checked");
	public static CommandException CHECK_FAILED= new CommandException("Command_analyze_04", "Command Failed to be Checked");
	public static CommandException CONFIGURE_NOT_EXIST = new CommandException("Command_error_1001", "Configure is not Exist");
	public static CommandException REDIS_ERROR = new CommandException("Command_error_1002", "Cache Command in Redis Error", true);
	public CommandException() {




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