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libprima / prima

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setup.m 14.09 KB
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function setup(varargin)
%SETUP sets the package up for MATLAB.
% This script can be called in the following ways.
% setup % Compile all the solvers with the default options
% setup(options) % Compile all the solvers with `options`
% setup path % Add the paths needed to use the package
% setup clean % Remove all the compiled MEX files
% setup uninstall % Uninstall the package
% In addition, the script can also be used as follows to compile a solver
% specified by a string `solver_name`. Note, however, this is only intended
% for developers. End users should NEVER do it. After doing this, any solver
% other than the one being compiled WILL BECOME UNUSABLE.
% setup(solver_name) % Compile a solver with the default options
% setup(solver_name, options) % Compile a solver with `options`
% Possible options for compilation:
% - half: whether to compile the half precision of the Fortran solvers (default: false)
% - single: whether to compile the single precision of the Fortran solvers (default: true)
% - quadruple: whether to compile the quadruple precision of the Fortran solvers (default: false)
% - classical: whether to compile the classical variant of the Fortran solvers (default: true)
% - debug: whether to compile the debugging version of the Fortran solvers (default: false)
% - debug_only: whether to compile only the debugging version (default: false);
% `debug_only` prevails if both `debug` and `debug_only` are present
% - verbose: whether to be verbose during the compilation (default: false)
% TODO: When the MATLAB implementation is available, we should support
% setting options.fortran = false and skipping the compilation.
% 1. Since MEX is the standard way of calling Fortran code in MATLAB, you
% need to have MEX properly configured for compile Fortran before using
% the package. It is out of the scope of this package to help the users
% to configure MEX.
% 2. To run this script, you need to have write access to the directory that
% contains this script and its subdirectories.
% ***********************************************************************
% Authors: Tom M. RAGONNEAU (tom.ragonneau@connect.polyu.hk)
% and Zaikun ZHANG (zaikun.zhang@polyu.edu.hk)
% Department of Applied Mathematics,
% The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
% Dedicated to the late Professor M. J. D. Powell FRS (1936--2015).
% Started in July 2020.
% ***********************************************************************
% Attribute: public (can be called directly by users)
% setup starts
% Name of the package. It will be used as a stamp to be included in the path_string. Needed only
% if `savepath` fails.
package_name = 'prima';
% Check the version of MATLAB.
if verLessThan('matlab', '9.4') % MATLAB R2018a = MATLAB 9.4
fprintf('\nSorry, this package does not support MATLAB R2017b or earlier releases.\n\n');
% The full paths to several directories needed for the setup.
cpwd = pwd(); % Current directory, which may not be the directory containing this setup script
setup_dir = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); % The directory containing this setup script
fortd = fullfile(setup_dir, 'fortran'); % Directory of the Fortran source code
matd = fullfile(setup_dir, 'matlab'); % Matlab directory
gateways = fullfile(matd, 'mex_gateways'); % Directory of the MEX gateway files
interfaces = fullfile(matd, 'interfaces'); % Directory of the interfaces
mexdir = fullfile(interfaces, 'private'); % The private subdirectory of the interfaces
tests = fullfile(matd, 'tests'); % Directory containing some tests
tools = fullfile(matd, 'setup_tools'); % Directory containing some tools, e.g., interform.m
fortd_interform = fullfile(fortd, '.interform'); % Directory of the intersection-form Fortran code
gateways_interform = fullfile(gateways, '.interform'); % Directory of the intersection-form MEX gateways
% We need write access to `setup_dir` (and its subdirectories). Return if we do not have it.
% N.B.: This checking is NOT perfect because of the following --- but it is better than nothing.
% 1. `fileattrib` may not reflect the attributes correctly, particularly on Windows. See
% https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/296657-how-can-i-check-if-i-have-read-or-write-access-to-a-directory
% 2. Even if we have write access to `setup_dir`, we may not have the same access to its subdirectories.
[~, attribute] = fileattrib(setup_dir);
if ~attribute.UserWrite
fprintf('\nSorry, we cannot continue because we do not have write access to\n\n%s\n\n', setup_dir);
% `tools` contains some functions needed in the sequel.
% Parse the input.
[solver_list, options, action, wrong_input] = parse_input(varargin);
% Exit if wrong input detected. Error messages have been printed during the parsing.
if wrong_input
error('prima:InvalidInput', 'setup: The input is invalid.');
% Remove the compiled MEX files (and the files generated along side) if requested.
if strcmp(action, 'clean')
clean_mex(mexdir, 'verbose');
clean_generated_files(fortd_interform, gateways_interform, tools, mexdir);
% Uninstall the package if requested.
if strcmp(action, 'uninstall')
% `rmpath(tools)` is not needed, as `uninstall_prima` already does it.
% Add the path and return if requested.
if strcmp(action, 'path')
add_save_path(interfaces, package_name);
% Create `all_precisions.m` and `all_variants.m` under `tools` according to the content of
% `mexdir`. They reflect the precisions ('half', 'single', 'double', 'quadruple') and variants
% ('modern', 'classical') of the solvers available under `mexdir`.
% Some tools are shared between the setup and the runtime. They are all ready now. Copy them
% from `tools` (the setup directory) to `mexdir` (the runtime directory).
copy_shared_tools(tools, mexdir);
fprintf('\nPath added.\n\n')
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If we arrive here, then the user requests us to compile the solvers. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% All previously compiled solvers are removed by the following lines.
clean_generated_files(fortd_interform, gateways_interform, tools, mexdir);
% Create `all_precisions.m` and `all_variants.m` under `tools` according to `options`.
% They reflect the precisions ('half', 'single', 'double', 'quadruple') and variants ('modern','classical')
% of the solvers available after the compilation.
% Some tools are shared between the setup and the runtime. They are all ready now. Copy them from
% from `tools` (the setup directory) to `mexdir` (the runtime directory).
copy_shared_tools(tools, mexdir);
% Check whether MEX is properly configured.
fprintf('\nVerifying the setup of MEX ... \n');
language = 'Fortran'; % Language to compile
mex_well_conf = try_mex_setup(language);
if mex_well_conf == 0
fprintf('\nMATLAB needs you to set MEX up for Fortran.');
fprintf('\nTry ''help mex'' or ask a MATLAB expert about MEX setup.');
fprintf('\nNote: MEX is a product of MathWorks. Its configuration is not part of this package.\n\n');
elseif mex_well_conf == -1
fprintf('\nmex(''-setup'', ''%s'') runs successfully but we cannot verify that MEX works properly.', language);
fprintf('\nWe will try to continue.\n\n');
fprintf('\nMEX is correctly set up.\n\n');
% Generate the intersection-form Fortran source code
% We need to do this because MEX accepts only the (obsolescent) fixed-form Fortran code on Windows.
% Intersection-form Fortran code can be compiled both as free form and as fixed form.
fprintf('Refactoring the Fortran code ... ');
% Compilation starts
fprintf('Compilation starts. It may take some time ...\n');
% Change directory to mexdir. All the intermediate files produced by the compilation (e.g., .mod)
% will be dumped to this directory. They will be removed when the compilation finishes.
exception = [];
compile(solver_list, mexdir, fortd_interform, gateways_interform, options);
catch exception
% Do nothing for the moment.
%% Remove the intersection-form Fortran files unless we are debugging.
%if ~debug_flag
% rmdir(fortd_interform, 's');
% rmdir(gateways_interform, 's');
cd(cpwd); % Change directory back to cpwd
if ~isempty(exception)
rethrow(exception); % Rethrow any exception caught during the compilation.
% Compilation ends successfully if we arrive here.
fprintf('Package compiled successfully!\n');
% Check whether all the solvers are compiled. It may not be the case if the user has specified
% a particular solver to compile. This must be done before removing `tools` from the MATLAB path.
all_solvers_compiled = isempty(setdiff(all_solvers(), solver_list));
% Remove `tools` from the MATLAB path. This should be done before calling `add_save_path`.
% Add `interfaces` to the MATLAB path, and then try saving the path.
path_saved = add_save_path(interfaces, package_name);
fprintf('\nThe package is ready to use.\n');
fprintf('\nYou may now try ''help prima'' for information on the usage of the package.\n');
if all_solvers_compiled
fprintf('\nYou may also run ''testprima'' to test the package on a few examples.\n');
if ~path_saved % `add_save_path` failed to save the path.
add_path_string = sprintf('addpath(''%s'');', interfaces);
fprintf('\n***** To use the package in other MATLAB sessions, do ONE of the following. *****\n');
fprintf('\n- Append the following line to your startup script');
fprintf('\n (see https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/startup.html for information):\n');
fprintf('\n %s\n', add_path_string);
fprintf('\n- OR come to the current directory and run ''setup path'' when you need the package.\n');
% setup ends
function path_saved = add_save_path(path_string, path_string_stamp)
%ADD_SAVE_PATH adds the path indicated by PATH_STRING to the MATLAB path and then tries saving path.
% PATH_STRING_STAMP is a stamp used when writing PATH_STRING to the user's startup.m file, which is
% needed only if `savepath` fails.
% N.B.: Why not putting this function as an individual file in the `tools` directory? Because we
% need it after `tools` is removed from the path.
if nargin < 2
path_string_stamp = sprintf('Added by %s', mfilename);
if ~exist(path_string, 'dir')
error('prima:PathNotExist', 'The string %s does not correspond to an existing directory.', path_string);
% Try saving the path in the system path-defining file at sys_pathdef. If the user does not have
% writing permission for this file, then the path will not saved.
% N.B. Do not save the path to the pathdef.m file under userpath. This file is not loaded by default
% at startup. See
% https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/269482-is-userdata-pathdef-m-for-local-path-additions-supported-on-linux
orig_warning_state = warning;
warning('off', 'MATLAB:SavePath:PathNotSaved'); % Maybe we do not have the permission to save path
sys_pathdef = fullfile(matlabroot(), 'toolbox', 'local', 'pathdef.m');
path_saved = (savepath(sys_pathdef) == 0);
warning(orig_warning_state); % Restore the behavior of displaying warnings
% If path not saved, try editing the startup.m of this user. Do this only if userpath is nonempty.
% Otherwise, we will only get a startup.m in the current directory, which will not be executed
% when MATLAB starts from other directories. On Linux, the default value of userpath is
% ~/Documents/MATLAB, but it will be '' if this directory does not exist. We refrain from creating
% this directory in that case.
if ~path_saved && numel(userpath) > 0
user_startup = fullfile(userpath, 'startup.m');
add_path_string = sprintf('addpath(''%s'');', path_string);
full_add_path_string = sprintf('%s %s %s', add_path_string, '%', path_string_stamp);
% First, check whether full_add_path_string already exists in user_startup or not.
if exist(user_startup, 'file')
startup_text_cells = regexp(fileread(user_startup), '\n', 'split');
path_saved = any(strcmp(startup_text_cells, full_add_path_string));
if ~path_saved
% We first check whether the last line of the user startup script is an empty line (or the
% file is empty or even does not exist at all). If yes, we do not need to put a line break
% before the path adding string.
if exist(user_startup, 'file')
startup_text_cells = regexp(fileread(user_startup), '\n', 'split');
last_line_empty = isempty(startup_text_cells) || (isempty(startup_text_cells{end}) && ...
isempty(startup_text_cells{max(1, end-1)}));
last_line_empty = true;
file_id = fopen(user_startup, 'a'); % Open/create file for writing. Append data to the end.
if file_id ~= -1 % If FOPEN cannot open the file, it returns -1; We keep silent if it fails.
if ~last_line_empty % The last line of user_startup is not empty
fprintf(file_id, '\n'); % Add a new empty line
fprintf(file_id, '%s', full_add_path_string);
% Check that full_add_path_string is indeed added to user_startup.
if exist(user_startup, 'file')
startup_text_cells = regexp(fileread(user_startup), '\n', 'split');
path_saved = any(strcmp(startup_text_cells, full_add_path_string));
% add_save_path ends
