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XiangShan / difftest

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DiffTest (差分测试): a modern co-simulation framework for RISC-V processors.

Example: Generate Verilog

DiffTest interfaces are provided in Chisel bundles and expected to be integrated into Chisel designs with auto-generated C++ interfaces.

We strongly recommend using Chisel as the design description language when using DiffTest. It will greatly benefit the verification setup since we are providing some advanced features only in Chisel, such as datapath optimizations for higher simulation speed on emulation platforms.

If you are using DiffTest in a non-Chisel environment, we still provide examples of the generated Verilog modules. You may configure the test interfaces in src/test/scala/DifftestMain.scala based on your design details. The generated Verilog and C++ files will match (in type and count) what you have described about your use case. After running the following command, files will be generated at build.


Example Chisel Usage

We are supporting Chisel 3.6.0 (the last version supporting Scala FIRRTL Compiler) as well as 6.3.0 (the latest stable version supporting MLIR FIRRTL Compiler).

Here are the detail instructions on integrating DiffTest to your own project.

  1. Add this submodule to your design.

In your Git project:

git submodule add https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/difftest.git

In Mill build.sc:

import $file.difftest.build

// We recommend using a fixed Chisel version.
object difftest extends millbuild.difftest.build.CommonDiffTest {
  def crossValue: String = "3.6.0"

  override def millSourcePath = os.pwd / "difftest"

// This is for advanced users only.
// All supported Chisel versions are listed in `build.sc`.
// To pass a cross value to difftest:
object difftest extends Cross[millbuild.difftest.build.CommonDiffTest](chiselVersions) {
  override def millSourcePath = os.pwd / "difftest"

In Makefile:

emu: sim-verilog
  1. Add difftest modules (in Chisel or Verilog) to your design. All modules have been listed in the APIs chapter. Some of them are optional.
import difftest._

val difftest = DifftestModule(new DiffInstrCommit, delay = 1, dontCare = true)
difftest.valid  := io.in.valid
difftest.pc     := SignExt(io.in.bits.decode.cf.pc, AddrBits)
difftest.instr  := io.in.bits.decode.cf.instr
difftest.skip   := io.in.bits.isMMIO
difftest.isRVC  := io.in.bits.decode.cf.instr(1, 0)=/="b11".U
difftest.rfwen  := io.wb.rfWen && io.wb.rfDest =/= 0.U
difftest.wdest  := io.wb.rfDest
difftest.wpdest := io.wb.rfDest
  1. Call val difftesst = DifftestModule.finish(cpu: String) at the top module whose module name should be SimTop. The variable name difftest must be used to ensure DiffTest could capture the input signals.

An optional UART input/output can be connected to DiffTest. DiffTest will automatically DontCare it internally.

val difftest = DifftestModule.finish("Demo")

// Optional UART connections. Remove this line if UART is not needed.
difftest.uart <> mmio.io.uart

Alternatively, you can skip the optional UART connections by using an overloaded version of DifftestModule.finish(cpu: String, createTopIO: Boolean) with the 2nd parameter createTopIO set to false. This overloaded version can be used in non-module context (e.g. in App class) as following.

object Main extends App {
  // ...
  DifftestModule.finish("Demo", false)
  1. Generate verilog files for simulation.

  2. make emu and start simulating & debugging!

We provide example designs, including:

If you encountered any issues when integrating DiffTest to your own design, feel free to let us know with necessary information on how you have modified your design. We will try our best to assist you.


Currently we are supporting the RISC-V base ISA as well as some extensions, including Float/Double, Debug, and Vector. We also support checking the cache coherence via RefillTest.

Probe Name Descriptions Mandatory
DiffArchEvent Exceptions and interrupts Yes
DiffInstrCommit Executed instructions Yes
DiffTrapEvent Simulation environment call Yes
DiffArchIntRegState General-purpose registers Yes
DiffArchFpRegState Floating-point registers No
DiffArchVecRegState Vector registers No
DiffCSRState Control and status registers (CSRs) Yes
DiffVecCSRState CSRs for the Vector extension No
DiffHCSRState CSRs for the Hypervisor extension No
DiffDebugMode Debug mode registers No
DiffIntWriteback General-purpose writeback operations No
DiffFpWriteback Floating-point writeback operations No
DiffVecWriteback Vector writeback operations No
DiffArchIntDelayedUpdate Delayed general-purpose writeback No
DiffArchFpDelayedUpdate Delayed floating-point writeback No
DiffStoreEvent Store operations No
DiffSbufferEvent Store buffer operations No
DiffLoadEvent Load operations No
DiffAtomicEvent Atomic operations No
DiffL1TLBEvent L1 TLB operations No
DiffL2TLBEvent L2 TLB operations No
DiffRefillEvent Cache refill operations No
DiffLrScEvent Executed LR/SC instructions No

The DiffTest framework comes with a simulation framework with some top-level IOs. They will be automatically created when calling DifftestModule.finish(cpu: String).

  • LogCtrlIO
  • PerfCtrlIO

These IOs can be used along with the controller wrapper at src/main/scala/common/LogPerfControl.scala.

For compatibility on different platforms, the CPU should access a C++ memory via DPI-C interfaces. This memory will be initialized in C++.

You may also use macro DISABLE_DIFFTEST_RAM_DPIC to remove memory DPI-Cs and use Verilog arrays instead.

val mem = DifftestMem(memByte, 8)
when (wen) {
    addr = wIdx,
    data = in.w.bits.data.asTypeOf(Vec(DataBytes, UInt(8.W))),
    mask = in.w.bits.strb.asBools
val rdata = mem.readAndHold(rIdx, ren).asUInt

To use DiffTest, please include all necessary modules and top-level IOs in your design. It's worth noting the Chisel Bundles may have arguments with default values. Please set the correct parameters for the interfaces.


There are several plugins to improve the RTL-simulation and debugging process.

See the Makefiles for the compilation time arguments. Run emu --help to see the full list of supported run-time arguments.

LightSSS: a lightweight simulation snapshot mechanism

After the simulation aborts, we require some debugging information to assist locating the root cause, such as waveform and DUT/REF logs. Traditionally, this requires a second run for the simulation with debugging enabled for the last period of simulation (region of interest, ROI). To avoid such tedious stage, we propose a snapshot mechanism to periodically take snapshots for the simulation process with minor performance overhead. A recent snapshot will be restored after the simulation aborts to reproduce the abortion with debugging information enabled. To understand the technical details of this mechanism, please refer to our MICRO'22 paper.

The plugin LightSSS is by default included at compilation time and should be manually enabled during simulation time using --enable-fork. You may configure the snapshot period using --fork-interval. A typical period is 1 (for small designs) to 30 (for super large designs) seconds. After the simulation aborts, DiffTest automatically re-runs the simulation from a recent snapshot and enables debugging information, including waveform and DUT/REF logs. You may want to redirect the stderr to a file to capture the REF logs output by NEMU and Spike. Please avoid using --enable-fork together with other debugging options, such as -b, -e, --dump-wave, --dump-ref-trace, etc. The behavior when they are enabled simultaneously is undefined.

spike-dasm: a disassembly engine for RISC-V instructions

When the simulation aborts, DiffTest gives a report on the current architectural states and a list of recently commited instructions. To simplify the debugging process, we may want the disassembly of the executed instructions. DiffTest is currently using the spike-dasm command provided by the riscv-isa-sim project for RISC-V instruction disassembly.

To use this plugin, you are required to build it from source and install the tool to somewhere in your PATH. DiffTest will automatically detect its existence by searching the PATH. Please refer to the original README for detailed installation instructions. Feel free to change the --prefix= argument to where you have access to, such as ~/.cache, so that you won't need the sudo privilege for the installation.


  • Theories of DiffTest / DiffTest 的基本原理
  • Advanced theories of DiffTest / DiffTest 原理的进阶问题讨论
  • Next-generation DiffTest / DiffTest 的下一步演进
    • DiffTest on Cadence Palladium: to be released soon
木兰宽松许可证, 第2版 木兰宽松许可证, 第2版 2020年1月 http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 您对“软件”的复制、使用、修改及分发受木兰宽松许可证,第2版(“本许可证”)的如下条款的约束: 0. 定义 “软件”是指由“贡献”构成的许可在“本许可证”下的程序和相关文档的集合。 “贡献”是指由任一“贡献者”许可在“本许可证”下的受版权法保护的作品。 “贡献者”是指将受版权法保护的作品许可在“本许可证”下的自然人或“法人实体”。 “法人实体”是指提交贡献的机构及其“关联实体”。 “关联实体”是指,对“本许可证”下的行为方而言,控制、受控制或与其共同受控制的机构,此处的控制是指有受控方或共同受控方至少50%直接或间接的投票权、资金或其他有价证券。 1. 授予版权许可 每个“贡献者”根据“本许可证”授予您永久性的、全球性的、免费的、非独占的、不可撤销的版权许可,您可以复制、使用、修改、分发其“贡献”,不论修改与否。 2. 授予专利许可 每个“贡献者”根据“本许可证”授予您永久性的、全球性的、免费的、非独占的、不可撤销的(根据本条规定撤销除外)专利许可,供您制造、委托制造、使用、许诺销售、销售、进口其“贡献”或以其他方式转移其“贡献”。前述专利许可仅限于“贡献者”现在或将来拥有或控制的其“贡献”本身或其“贡献”与许可“贡献”时的“软件”结合而将必然会侵犯的专利权利要求,不包括对“贡献”的修改或包含“贡献”的其他结合。如果您或您的“关联实体”直接或间接地,就“软件”或其中的“贡献”对任何人发起专利侵权诉讼(包括反诉或交叉诉讼)或其他专利维权行动,指控其侵犯专利权,则“本许可证”授予您对“软件”的专利许可自您提起诉讼或发起维权行动之日终止。 3. 无商标许可 “本许可证”不提供对“贡献者”的商品名称、商标、服务标志或产品名称的商标许可,但您为满足第4条规定的声明义务而必须使用除外。 4. 分发限制 您可以在任何媒介中将“软件”以源程序形式或可执行形式重新分发,不论修改与否,但您必须向接收者提供“本许可证”的副本,并保留“软件”中的版权、商标、专利及免责声明。 5. 免责声明与责任限制 “软件”及其中的“贡献”在提供时不带任何明示或默示的担保。在任何情况下,“贡献者”或版权所有者不对任何人因使用“软件”或其中的“贡献”而引发的任何直接或间接损失承担责任,不论因何种原因导致或者基于何种法律理论,即使其曾被建议有此种损失的可能性。 6. 语言 “本许可证”以中英文双语表述,中英文版本具有同等法律效力。如果中英文版本存在任何冲突不一致,以中文版为准。 条款结束 如何将木兰宽松许可证,第2版,应用到您的软件 如果您希望将木兰宽松许可证,第2版,应用到您的新软件,为了方便接收者查阅,建议您完成如下三步: 1, 请您补充如下声明中的空白,包括软件名、软件的首次发表年份以及您作为版权人的名字; 2, 请您在软件包的一级目录下创建以“LICENSE”为名的文件,将整个许可证文本放入该文件中; 3, 请将如下声明文本放入每个源文件的头部注释中。 Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences DiffTest is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. Mulan Permissive Software License,Version 2 Mulan Permissive Software License,Version 2 (Mulan PSL v2) January 2020 http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 Your reproduction, use, modification and distribution of the Software shall be subject to Mulan PSL v2 (this License) with the following terms and conditions: 0. Definition Software means the program and related documents which are licensed under this License and comprise all Contribution(s). Contribution means the copyrightable work licensed by a particular Contributor under this License. Contributor means the Individual or Legal Entity who licenses its copyrightable work under this License. Legal Entity means the entity making a Contribution and all its Affiliates. Affiliates means entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with the acting entity under this License, ‘control’ means direct or indirect ownership of at least fifty percent (50%) of the voting power, capital or other securities of controlled or commonly controlled entity. 1. Grant of Copyright License Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to you a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, use, modify, or distribute its Contribution, with modification or not. 2. 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If you or your Affiliates directly or indirectly institute patent litigation (including a cross claim or counterclaim in a litigation) or other patent enforcement activities against any individual or entity by alleging that the Software or any Contribution in it infringes patents, then any patent license granted to you under this License for the Software shall terminate as of the date such litigation or activity is filed or taken. 3. No Trademark License No trademark license is granted to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of Contributor, except as required to fulfill notice requirements in Section 4. 4. Distribution Restriction You may distribute the Software in any medium with or without modification, whether in source or executable forms, provided that you provide recipients with a copy of this License and retain copyright, patent, trademark and disclaimer statements in the Software. 5. 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END OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply the Mulan Permissive Software License,Version 2 (Mulan PSL v2) to Your Software To apply the Mulan PSL v2 to your work, for easy identification by recipients, you are suggested to complete following three steps: i Fill in the blanks in following statement, including insert your software name, the year of the first publication of your software, and your name identified as the copyright owner; ii Create a file named “LICENSE” which contains the whole context of this License in the first directory of your software package; iii Attach the statement to the appropriate annotated syntax at the beginning of each source file. Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences DiffTest is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details.


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