

huangchengpiao 暂无简介


10600 141
559 115

    380 openEuler / community

    The Community repo is to store all the information about openEuler Community, inclouding governance, SIGs(project teams), Communications and etc.

    最近更新: 1天前

    502 openEuler / bishengjdk-8 GVP

    BiSheng JDK 8 is a high-performance, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK 8.

    最近更新: 29天前

    28 openEuler / community-issue

    The public issue repo which only accept issue that doesn't belong to any source repo

    最近更新: 2年前

    10 meilier / idl

    image dependency list —— idl 用于分析系统容器镜像内各软件包依赖关系,适用带有yum/dnf包管理器的系统。例如,openEuler,,centos等。

    最近更新: 2年前
