

Lead Software Architect at 3Logic Group, Moscow

3Logic Group, Moscow, Russia
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    Tim55667757 / PriceGenerator

    Simple generator of stock and forex prices. Use it to generates test data for your trade strategy. See article (ru):

    Tim55667757 / front_end_tests

    Шаблон структуры тестов для Selenium IDE

    Tim55667757 / ScreenShooter

    Screen shooter - программа для автоматизации снятия скриншотов сайта.

    Tim55667757 / pwd_brut

    Password Bruter - программа, написанная на Python 3.2., для многопоточного подбора учетных данных вида {логин/пароль} к страничкам с form-based авторизацией.

    Tim55667757 / FileRevision

    This module realize work with revisions file.

    Tim55667757 / GUItests

    Фреймворк для функционального тестирования web-GUI приложений используя Selenium WebDriver

    Tim55667757 / AllPairs_example

    Using AllPairs by MetaCommunications Engineering example.

    Tim55667757 / tfs

    Microsoft TFS API Python client

    Tim55667757 / FuzzyClassificator

    This program uses neural networks to solve classification problems, and uses fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic to interpreting results. [WARNING] The development is frozen here and moved to the Open DevOps community: https://github.com/devopshq/FuzzyClassificator. See article about math in FuzzyClassificator (russian):

    Tim55667757 / demo-load

    Демо-пример шаблона для реализации пайплайна нагрузочного тестирования в GitLab CI. Статья в блоге:

    Tim55667757 / FunnyTestPage

    Проверь себя: хочешь ли ты стать ручным web-тестировщиком? :) Пройди небольшой тест

    Tim55667757 / pandas-ta

    Technical Analysis Indicators - Pandas TA is an easy to use Python 3 Pandas Extension with 120+ Indicators

    Tim55667757 / FuzzyRoutines

    Library contains some routines for work with fuzzy logic operators, fuzzy datasets and fuzzy scales. See article (ru):

    Tim55667757 / TKSBrokerAPI

    Co-routines to work with Tinkoff Open API and access to the TKS Broker server using REST protocol

    Tim55667757 / MT4ForexParser

    Read forex data in MetaTrader 4 .hst-format and convert into .csv file and pandas dataframe.

    Tim55667757 / dohq-doc-templates

    Шаблоны инженерной документации для упрощения и сопровождения регламентных работ

    Tim55667757 / AVStockParser

    Alpha Vantage Stock History Parser. It can read stock history data from Alpha Vantage online service and convert into .csv file or pandas dataframe.
